What is this foundation

As the premier centre for the study and advancement of music in China, the Central Conservatory of Music (CCOM) can be proud of its achievements. Many graduates of the Conservatory have been transformed into renowned musicians contributing their talent and skills on the stages in major cities around the world. Through their efforts they promote harmony and understanding among audiences of all nationalities through the universal language of music.

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  • 夢幻琴絃:朱亦兵鄭慧大提琴鋼琴之夜
    邀請您体验古典音乐的魅力: 中央音樂學院香港基金诚邀您欣赏「夢幻琴絃:朱亦兵鄭慧大提琴鋼琴之夜」音樂會,由傑出旅法的大提琴家朱亦兵攜手香港著名鋼琴家鄭慧博士共同演奏。 時間:2024-04-02(7:30 PM) 地點:香港大會堂音樂廳 兩位藝術家將為香港樂迷帶來全法國曲目,其中包括弗雷的名曲《悲歌》,梅西安的《永恆的讚歌》,弗朗克的《A大調大提琴與鋼琴奏鳴曲》,德彪西的《D小調大提琴與鋼琴奏鳴曲》等,旨在通過古典音樂搭建起香港與法國之間的文化交流橋梁。 讓我們用法國的旋律和情感,讓音樂的詩意在香港綻放。 門票已於香港城市售票網線上及線下售票處發售 https://www.urbtix.hk/ 敬請期待!